Not your best, but your worst! B-Movies abound!

Give us your sick, sad, filthy pleasure flicks that you love to hate.

Rules: The Room is too popular at this point and doesn’t count.

My list:

  • Hard Ticket to Hawaii
  • Frankenhooker
  • The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
  • Dead Alive
  • Deadly Prey

Special Mentions:

  • Cabin Boy
  • Space Truckers
  • elavat0r
    1 year ago

    I have been specifically looking for bad softcore porn from the 90s, and would gladly take any other recs you have to give.

    I did also discover the Full Moon streaming service just the other day, which largely seems to have porn films with most of the actual porn edited out. It’s surprisingly watchable.