• @teawrecks@sopuli.xyz
    04 months ago

    “Fraud” would imply a crime. I’m always happy when some european country has a law on the book that enables people to hold a company accountable for their shitty behavior, but in the US, we have some work to do there.

    “Enshittification” is a…surface-level description of what is happening. I’m more interested in the “how we got here” and “what needs to happen to prevent it”. Because no company has “make the experience objectively shittier” on their list of new features. Blaming “enshittification” holds as much weight to me as blaming “the deep state”. It’s not a real thing, it’s just how you perceive the emergent result of a system with certain rules and incentives. The real question is, which rules and incentives should we prioritize, and how can those changes most effectively be implemented.

    • YeetPics
      4 months ago

      I’m not blaming “enshittification”. This IS enshittification.

      I blame shareholders and greedy C level executives. You know, the ones who make these types of decisions to milk customers for the bottom line.

      Just move on if you want to debate, these are facts and I don’t have time to defend reality from your contrarian garbage.

      • @teawrecks@sopuli.xyz
        14 months ago

        I think we agree and could learn from each other, but I agree, I don’t think that’s in the cards here. Have a good one.