It seems as though we are going backwards. We were doing so well in realising that all human beings are worthy individuals with emotional and intellectual depth, yet now so many of us don’t seem to see any problem with society encouraging many to reduce themselves to sexual objects. How is this rationalised?

edit: typo

  • @MasimatutuOP
    -174 months ago

    I dunno, in a lot of conversations amongst men it seems like women are simply thought of as sexual objects, with the rest largely forgotten. Does not seem very healthy to me.

      324 months ago

      I agree that doesn’t seem healthy. Misogyny is nothing new, though, and in your post you said people are reducing themselves to sexual objects but the example is people reducing others to sexual objects, which is not really the fault or necessarily the intention of the person being objectified

      • @MasimatutuOP
        -144 months ago

        Of course, but the entire purpose of pornography is kind of to reduce people to sexual objects, isn’t it?

          204 months ago

          Is it? Or is it to allow people to indulge in and express sexuality outside of a relationship? I don’t think it has a singular purpose of objectifying people. If people take it that way I think it’s more indicative of a problem with their attitude that they may need help to reframe.

          Do violent shows or horror movies make you feel human life is worth less because it shows people getting hurt or murdered?

            4 months ago

            The thing is… Both with porn and movies… Is that shit happens. I see what you’re saying for “normal” people… But some people actually do that shit.

            Whether its porn or crime.

            Porn and media is the way people satiate that natural expression without hurting people, but some people go past the line and actually do it. Usually the people that fight against it publicly…

          • @MasimatutuOP
            4 months ago

            It feels like people only watch pornography in order to satisfy their sexual desires by viewing someone sexually from an external position, while people watch violent shows to feel the thrills of the person from an internal point of view.