• sinkingship
    5 months ago

    Very good article. I’ve seen the video from Sabine Hossenfelder rencently, which is under attack in this video. She cautioned to not ignore the hot models, which are currently percepted as unreliable.

    Still, I recommend watching Sabine Hossenfelder if you are interested in simple physics explanations, she has a great Youtube channel.

    Sabine Hossenfelder is a theoretical quantum physicist and does mostly videos related to her field. She also does some climate videos and I don’t doubt her ability to interpret the numbers. Fun fact, she also does some physics related 80’s style music.

    James Hansen is also critisized in this article for his controversial predictions, which we shouldn’t take lightly. It’s not like we’ve got a second chance.

    I liked the conclusion a lot, that we shouldn’t get distracted by controversies in the details and that it practically makes little difference if the future is very deadly or extremely deadly.

    Edit a few months later: I don’t recommend watching Dabine Hossenfelder to get news about the climate anymore. I’ve seen some more videos of her now and while they aren’t bad, they seem to miss important points sometimes and also she sometimes advocates weird things. Just take her climate videos with a salt of grain, maybe.

    • Sonori@beehaw.org
      8 months ago

      I’d be hesitant recommending Sabine, given her tendency to make very confident videos about subjects outside her area of expertise without doing any research into the area beforehand, and even within her area of expertise her ideas tend to get the repoonses between “maybe, but almost certainly not.” to “it’s not eve wrong.”

      She also has an tendency to try and find as centrist a perspective as possible when it comes to politics, see her video on how really both sides of the “trans debate” are being too extreme.

      I haven’t watched her most recent climate one so I can’t speak to that, but if you want to see an academic economist try and make some sense of her capitalism is great actually video, here. If you just want to watch a youtuber with a doctorate in physics make videos about weird science and academia stuff, Angela Collier might fill that need.

      • sinkingship
        8 months ago

        Thanks for the info, I didnt see too many Videos of Hossenfelder yet, but the ones I saw I found quite good.

        In physics she doesn’t always support a mainstream idea, like she’s rejecting the theory of dark matter, which I find an interesting position.

        I haven’t had the impression that she does videos without research.

        Anyway, as always and everywhere in life it is never good to rely on a single source. There are some differences in what scientists believe and I find it interesting to hear any side of a civil discussion.

        There are still uncertainties in climate science, so maybe it’s sometimes good to not only look at the most likely outcomes, especially when a lot of lives depend on the outcome.

        That said, thank you very much for you suggestion, I will have a look! The only current climate scientist I follow on Youtube is ClimateAdam. And then some old videos of Carl Sagan at times.

        Edit: forgot also Simon Clark

        • Sonori@beehaw.org
          8 months ago

          Ya, her rejection of dark matter also confused me, becuse it’s not a theory but rather a set of images and observations. There are some theories about dark matter like MOND and WIMPs but dark matter itslef isn’t a theory that can be wrong, as unless our telescopes are just making up data, we can pretty clearly see that some galaxies have lots more gravity then they have things like stars and matter, while others nearly exactly fit the equations. While we still can’t say exactly what it is, hence the name, we can be pretty confident that we’re making maps of something.