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The court orders show the government telling Google to provide the names, addresses, telephone numbers and user activity for all Google account users who accessed the YouTube videos between January 1 and January 8, 2023. The government also wanted the IP addresses of non-Google account owners who viewed the videos.

“This is the latest chapter in a disturbing trend where we see government agencies increasingly transforming search warrants into digital dragnets. It’s unconstitutional, it’s terrifying and it’s happening every day,” said Albert Fox-Cahn, executive director at the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project. “No one should fear a knock at the door from police simply because of what the YouTube algorithm serves up. I’m horrified that the courts are allowing this.” He said the orders were “just as chilling” as geofence warrants, where Google has been ordered to provide data on all users in the vicinity of a crime.

  • Shdwdrgn
    3 months ago

    Reading information on how to make an illegal item has never been justification for accusing someone of a crime. Remember the Anarchist’s Cookbook? Hell I can look up articles online all day long about how to build an atomic bomb, but until I go out of my way to obtain the nuclear material required to build it (which private citizens are not allowed to purchase) there is nothing anyone can do about it other than ask why I’m so interested in the subject.