• anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    That’s true. I mean, a lot of people who participated in 2020-BLM were too young for either Occupy or 2012-BLM so it makes sense as a matter of course.

    But, other than the burning of a police station (che-smile), as far as I can remember all those things were done many times in both Occupy and 2012-BLM too despite the presence of libs. Libs do sometimes like to riot porn as a phase of youthful indiscretion.

    BLM 2020 ranged. I also remember events with the police to prove they weren’t ACAB but just wanted police reforms and an end to racial brutality in particular. There was also one video I saw of a large group tackling and dragging someone in Black Bloc and handing them over to cops to appear to maintain civil, peaceful protest which really left me speechless.