There are so many times that you see something or are told something and you say that CAN’T be real. But then you remember that we now live in Clown World and anything is possible. The new rule of thumb has to be if big Pharma says it, it probably is a lie

    7 months ago

    I don’t like socialism. I don’t think we can tax ourselves into prosperity and for the most part disagree with the heavy handed approaches to social justice and welfare that is typically popular on the fediverse. I even find it excessive how a lot of people obsessed with social justice find racism in places where it really isn’t there.

    But why is it that we can’t just stop being assholes for 5 minutes? Why does this have to be a politically contentious post? How would you feel if your grandmother or your child was in pain in the hospital and the nurses or doctor didn’t take their concerns seriously? How would it make you feel if someone you loved was going through unnecessary pain? How would it make you feel to have your concerns dismissed like this?

    Advil isn’t saying that doctors are racist or that white people are hogging all the pain killers for themselves. It sees a concerning trend in the standards of care between different groups and is trying to do something meaningful to change it. Why are we so concerned with our political identity that getting people the medicine that they need turns into an attempt to dismiss concerns and “dunk on libs”?