Bwahahahaha get fucked you unbearable scumsucking dork
I mean just look at his fucking sentence construction with the rule of three and the cute internal rhyme/alliteration on “ideology/inevitability/individual”
I’m sorry, and this isn’t massively SneerClub except insofar as the death bit is obviously very Yud-coded, it’s just this quote came up again in the middle of a long and really bleak article, and for whatever reason I just burst out laughing
He’s always so goddamn indignant, like he’s being bullied for his lunch money but he came prepped with the most badass comebacks he could think of in the mirror - I mean seriously, read the quote back to yourself out loud and see if it would ever work outside “an online libertarian journal”, let alone on a stage
Look at his fucking face, how does this guy get up in the morning and not only take himself seriously, but take himself that goddamn seriously
Sir, this is a society
I stand against confiscatory taxes, totalitarian collectives, and the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual,
“And that’s why I’m announcing project Kenjaku-Orochimaru, where I find twinks to transplant my brain into”
I hate that billionaires like him see a country like New Zealand, and decide to build their apocalypse escape bunkers there, then say: “this country is perfect, but it just needs a few policy changes to make it exactly like America, the country I’m fleeing”
“In 2022, Andreessen [owner of however many multi-multi-million $ properties] and his inveighed against building multi-family housing in their swanky Peninsula hometown of Atherton - average annual income $539,000, median home price $7.9 million - with an email to city government that read: ‘Please IMMEDIATELY REMOVE all multi-family overlay zoning projects from the Housing Element which will be submitted to the state in July. They will MASSIVELY decrease our home values, the quality of life of ourselves and our neighbours and IMMENSELY increase the noise pollution and traffic’
Like there’s already the completely twisted economic logic of housing as a personal investment, propped up by too many governments everywhere who can’t afford to lose votes by pointing out that it’s been nonsensical and unsustainable for decades, but to then add to that the logic of doing it even when you don’t have any genuine perverse incentive to insist on making ROI from the resale value of your house
Just “I’m white as shit and this is what we do when we’re billionaires too”
You know, if you can remotely put aside the less-than-dogwhistling racism for a second
@TheIvoryTower @YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM
The thing is they’re not fleeing “America” as it is now. They’re setting up a bolt hole for the apocalypse.
Wait Thiel doesn’t think everyone will die? Is he one of those cryo nuts on top of everything else?
Shit dude even the pre-socratics come to us via a long game of telephone. Ideas die too.
Yes, he intends to be frozen as a fashion statement.
His belief is such that he has signed up with Alcor, the leading company in the field of cryogenics, to be deep-frozen at the time of his death – as much as an ‘ideological statement’, he says, as in any expectation of being thawed out any time in the near future. ‘In telling you that I’ve signed up for it [cryogenics], there’s always this reaction that it’s really crazy, it’s disturbing. But my take on it is it’s only disturbing because it challenges our complacency.’
But my take on it is it’s only disturbing because it challenges our complacency.
Peter what in the Sam fuck are you talking about?
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Thiel is a serial fool for the patient-funded-trial scam, e.g. the young blood scam
In the old days rich people just donated money to build a chapel, with priests or monks continually praying for the rich dead person’s soul.
the leading company in the field of cryogenics
I’m sorry, how do you measure that? Aren’t all companies exactly tied in cryogenics for having successfully revived exactly ZERO people?
@V0ldek They haven’t accidentally unplugged a freezer yet?
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You know, one of the things I resent the most about shits like Thiel and Andreessen and Altman going around with ideas like supervillains from a Saturday morning cartoon is that whenever I try to talk to other people that aren’t familiar with them about their ideas, those ideas are so excessive and ridiculous that I end up looking like a crank and conspiracy theorist just talking about them.
I end up looking like a crank and conspiracy theorist just talking about them.
There are good reasons to warn people to not read more sneerclub content esp when they are not familiar with this stuff already. It just makes you look insane. (being a honest fan of the LW writings does the same of course).