Last couple weeks have been very intense for me emotionally, and I noticed I was a short stress session away from snapping and doing unsafe things.

The internet didn’t really help as all results were “how to calm a meltdown in autistic children” or shit like that.

I really like whistling and was at home, so I randomly did a 1 hour freestyle whistling spree which really helped, and probably annoyed my neighbours way less than loud banging noises and screaming would have. My head feels a bit light from all the intense breathing lol.

If I’m outside and have the time, I also try climbing trees or large debris, or sprint as if I’m late. I have no idea what to when in an enclosed professional space other than pretending to go to the bathroom.

What’s your favourite meltdown-delaying technique?

  • fanbois [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Got ADHD, so YMMV:

    Lie down on the (preferably cold, hard) floor in the middle of a room and simply wait. Just noticing your breath can also help.

    Let the emotions do their thing. Notice all the urges and reflexes you have. If your brain starts digging into a topic, just accept it for a bit and then let it go. Usually the floor demands enough attention to keep me in the here and now.

    If it’s worse, I hide in my bed until I’m better, but that can take a bit and might fuck with my sleep schedule if I fall asleep.