I just stepped down as moderator from all five of the subreddits I used to moderate over on Reddit. I just can’t ethically justify continued activity on Reddit, and especially free volunteer labour for an openly greedy company that is engaged in scummy behaviour, forcing mods to open protesting communities or be demoted.

So my online activism for boys and men is now focused here and on Mastodon. And I am welcoming everyone coming over from Reddit, especially from LeftWingMaleAdvocates, the sub I put in the majority of my time and effort as a mod.

Let’s build something good here, as we did previously on Reddit. It appears we have a wider reach here, so let’s debate in good faith and with civil manners.

Here, in this magazine (i.e. community or subreddit in Kbin-speak) we wish to discuss and spread awareness of various issues that disproportionately affect males.

We believe men are not being well-served by either side of the mainstream political spectrum. We oppose the right wing’s exploitation of men’s issues as a wedge to recruit men to inegalitarian traditional values. But we also oppose feminist attempts to deny male issues, or shoehorn them into a biased ideology that blames “male privilege” and guilt-trips men.

We have no objection to the genuinely egalitarian aspects of feminism, but we will criticize feminist ideology wherever it is inegalitarian and/or untruthful, especially now that it holds institutional power. Too often feminism has promoted a one-sided “equality”, dismantling male advantages while exploiting, reinforcing, preserving, and downplaying female advantages - particularly in cases involving alleged abuse.

In practice this means that most of us are politically homeless. The natural home for male advocacy should be the left wing, which professes to be explicitly egalitarian. But in modern practice, men’s issues are habitually ignored, denied, or even opposed.

We seek to address male issues without falling into the traps of an impossible return to the past or a disastrous sexism. Men and women have equal value, and we need to work together for a better future.

    • rikersbeard@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      They hosted an AMA with a guy who minimizes/denies that men can be victims of women aggressors. They tried to walk back some of the stuff he said, but didn’t outright apologize. They censor/minimize/deny a lot of other men’s issues. They are counterfeit, perhaps even a calculated disinformation campaign to co-opt the men’s movement.

      • Aesthesiaphilia@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Feminism is obviously NOT organized enough to do anything like that, which tells me you’re too paranoid to be worth listening to. Take a chill pill dude, not everything is a conspiracy.

          • Aesthesiaphilia@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            And here I thought you were against the whole “never say anything negative about any member of our community, no matter how wrong they are” moderation stance that most feminist communities use.

            If you don’t nip the “it’s a conspiracy” types in the bud, you become the nazi bar. Because there’s a very thin line between “it’s a conspiracy”, “this is all their fault”, and “we should do something about those people”.

            Calling another community “counterfeit” and a “calculated disinformation campaign” is dangerous, inflammatory language. If the mods or the community don’t call it out, it encourages worse things to be said.

            Not to mention it’s clearly not even close to the realm of reality. It’s not a rational statement at all. Pointing that out is not a personal attack.

            Anyway, I’m not signing up to fight a losing battle against incel types taking over this space, so if this is how it’s gonna be, I’m out.

            • a-man-from-earth@kbin.socialOP
              1 year ago

              We don’t accept calling members of this community “too paranoid to be worth listening to”. That is a personal attack. And we don’t call them incels either. This is a place for civil discussion. Not for calling each other names. Our sidebar specifically states: “Attack the argument, not the person.”

              • vlakas@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                Just curious, is it possible to see Kbin comments/posts that were deleted by a user or moderator like Removeddit for Reddit (supposing they haven’t been archived to the wayback machine)?

        • rikersbeard@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          I’m not sure how you got that from my comment that I was talking about feminism as a whole. You asked what we think about r/MensLib and that’s what I answered.

          However, I did address feminism as a whole in the post I just made in this magazine.

    • a-man-from-earth@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      I appreciate that they try to highlight some male issues. But they subjugate them to feminist ideology, which I think is the wrong approach. They control the conversation very tightly and do not allow general criticism of feminism (especially the widespread misandry), nor specific topics such as legal paternal surrender. For that reason I consider the MensLib sub “controlled opposition”. Even tho many members may have the heart in the right place, there is a high degree of self-censorship going on. Or you find yourself, as I did, quietly shadowbanned.

      See also https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/wiki/missionstatement#wiki_how_do_we_differ_from_feminist_men.2019s_lib.3F

      • Aesthesiaphilia@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Thank you for sharing your viewpoints (side note, this is my first time really reading reddit in a while and it’s crazy how many accounts have been overwritten or [deleted]). I was active in the early redpill community, years ago, and watched in horror as it got taken over by right-wing protofascists. So I’m a little gun shy when it comes to men’s spaces. I think, getting meta for a moment, there’s something to be said for policing your own community a little over-zealously to keep out the misogynists…but then again, there’s also something to be said for being honest in your beliefs, even if that means alienating an ally (like feminists).

        I’ve subscribed and I’ll keep a close eye on this community. You’ve got a difficult job; there’s a lot of angry, misogynistic men and angry, misandrist tumblristas in the fediverse who would love to take over the discussion.

        • RandoCalrandian@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Hey brother

          I’m in a similar boat as you, and watched TRP go from “this is info men need to know, and soon” to religious conservative grifters, and similarly upset about it

          And then watching menslib and others get setup so men could talk in “approved” ways

          But all of that makes it even more important to me not to abandon other labels to grifters. It just makes it easier for them to dissipate any momentum we might accrue for social change.

          • Aesthesiaphilia@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            If the moderation is bad, it’s a lost cause. The mod here removed a couple of comments I had calling out blatant misogyny, while leaving the misogyny. This space is doomed. I’m not wasting any more effort on it.

            • a-man-from-earth@kbin.socialOP
              1 year ago

              I have removed comments for personal attacks, as per our rules.

              Where is the misogyny? I mean, it is possible I may have missed it, as I am human and fallible. But make sure to differentiate feminism from women. Feminism is an ideology, not a gender. Attacks on women as a gender will not be tolerated.

              So, if you want to call out bad behavior here, call out the specific statements (“That statement is misogynistic” or “Saying that is bigotry”). Do not use personal attacks (“You’re a misogynist” or basically any form of “you are X”) as they will be removed.

                • a-man-from-earth@kbin.socialOP
                  1 year ago

                  That’s your good right, of course. But I’ll take that as “it was moderated correctly, and there is no actual misogyny that I can point out”.

        • Dienervent@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Hopefully it will be like the subreddits he moderated. They turned out quite nicely. Unapologetically advocating for men from an egalitarian perspective while also being unapologetic about defending against the misandrist detractors, a large number of whom call themselves feminists and leverage feminist ideology.