so i have depression, i take meds and i talk with people about it but im also bored/empty alot and i just want something to do that is diffrent, if that makes sense. i havent read a book in quite some time and im considerd a slow reader becasue im dylexic and i lack motivation. i feel if i find a good book to help with this it might help witha few things.

i dont want a super duper brick sized book or horror, im more into anything but that also fiction like fantasy, sci-fi, cyberpunk, something that feels modern also manga but manga is more exspensive than a book, etc just no horror or anyhting weird.

also where is a good place to get physical books from at a discount?

    1 year ago

    The Martian is a really fun, easy read. It was originally written as a series of online blog posts so it’s pretty consistently entertaining without any big, boring filler chapters.

    Personally though, I don’t read a lot of fiction. There’s also a ton of really entertaining nonfiction out there. I’d particularly recommend Isaac’s Storm by Erik Larsen. It’s about the devastating hurricane that leveled Galveston, Texas in 1900 and weaves in the history of hurricane prediction in a really interesting way, telling the stories of some of the people involved.

    I dunno if that will turn out to be something you like, but just a little something different to consider trying.