Ive had a hard life that i dont really want to talk about especcialy online, so ive be feel depressed an unmotivated for a bit now. i heard exercising helps but is that true where do you even get motivation to start working out? i do bascily the same things everyday and i just want to do more in my life because its getting bland-er… also if you want to share a short life story go ahead, i feel im more in the idea department/creative department but yet i do nothing and my head i cloaded with life. i feel like i should put more here but ill just leave it here.

  • flamekhan@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Lots of great comments here. If you want to start doing something like exercise then it’s great to set little goals. Even 10 minutes is still 10 more minutes than 0. Give yourself the grace to work up to more. It might take you awhile and that’s ok. You are doing these things for you and not anyone else. You don’t need to feel guilty for taking a day off either.

    Also - if you are dealing with depression or other things then I would highly recommending finding resources to help you deal with that. There’s no shame in that and sometimes people need help to manage these things. Best wishes!