i’m going to design and build a “programmer’s numpad”, because I’m sick of awkward hand movements for writing brackets with numbers and commas and spaces etc. here’s the first draft. make your modifications here: http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/ i’m thinking of adding another column, putting something between the numbers and the plus/minus.
here’s the markup:
[{a:7},"`\n~",{a:4},"(\n",")","\\\n|"], [{a:7},",",{a:4},"[\n{","]\n}","="], ["Num Lock","/","*","-",{x:0.25,f:4,w:14,h:5,d:true},""], [{f:3},"7\nHome","8\n↑","9\nPgUp",{h:2},"+"], ["4\n←","5","6\n→"], ["1\nEnd","2\n↓","3\nPgDn",{h:2},"Enter"], ["0\nIns",",",".\nDel"], [{w:2},"Space", ";\n:"]