We want anarchy. We want freedom and autonomy for everyone, without domination. We want the overthrow of the existing order. We want social revolution.

This hasn’t changed since the last ACAT gathering. Among other topics, the following was discussed last year: Whether intermediary/specific struggles are still a valid proposal under current conditions and/or if we would need them now more than ever; faced with dystopian conditions, in what way we can intervene in social struggles (and whether we want to); the recuperation of anti-authoritarian struggles by authoritarians (based on the experience of the Appelist takeover on the ZAD in Nantes, France); the digital enclosure and its discontents (based on the case of the comrade Boris in France and the struggle there against the global expansion of the digital open-air prison); the history of the insurrectionary method; war; and patriarchy in its techno-industrial form.

This year we will come together again, to meet each other face to face without screens. In big and small groups, with new faces and old acquaintances, and friends. With the experience from last year, we have decided to limit discussions to three thematic days, with only two prepared discussions each day. (Spontaneous discussions can be proposed and started again all the time).

The themes will be:

  • International Solidarity
  • Extractivism
  • War

The meeting will take place in the Hambacher Forest. Days of discussion will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Arrival days are Wednesday the 29th and Thursday the 30th and departure day is Monday the 3rd of June.

Bring your distros!

There will be food provided. Tents, sleeping bags, and mats have to be brought. Please write us if you don’t want to sleep in a tent, there will be alternatives (which don’t include climbing), but this options will be provided first and foremost to people who need them to be able to participate in the gathering.

For contacting us or if you have any other questions:

acat [äd] supernormal.net find pgp-key here

A detailed program, as well an explanation for how to get there and other info will be published here at the beginning of May

All anarchists, wild hearts, free spirits, subversives, and rebels who recognize themselves in this invitation are welcome.

Nevertheless – and with the experience from last year – we want to add a small disclaimer, for those who should maybe think about if they really want to come:

  • People who expect moderated discussions, talking lists, and other social-cybernetic modalities. You can associate yourself under such conditions for small group discussions if you want to do this, but most discussions won’t be like this.

  • People who expect an awareness team for a discussion weekend. There won’t be any.

  • People who expect partying and drug consumption. There are many possibilities for this all the time, a discussion gathering in a forest is maybe not the space for this.

  • People who, when it comes to the question of war, endorse anarchists joining the ranks of (proto-)state formations or want to (morally) pressure anarchists to take the side of this or that state (or even fight for them), please stay away from this gathering.


  • Five@slrpnk.netOP
    4 months ago

    I don’t see it as a positive thing. But there’s no better teacher of why things are done the ‘right’ way than doing things the ‘wrong’ way. Hope it works out for them anyway.