Tweet by slick @dlicj:
At my funeral play the Super Mario original theme until my casket is lowered in the ground
then play the underground music
This is genius. I want this for my funeral. It has to have the ‘down the pipe’ sound as the casket is being lowered too. And maybe the ‘success’ theme when the casket arrives at the grave.
Or the Mario death sound
It has to have the ‘down the pipe’ sound as the casket is being lowered too.
Nearly put that as the title xD
But… If we’re being pedantic, the original Mario isn’t Super Mario Bros. on the NES, but Mario Bros. in the arcade, from 83. SMB wasn’t released until two years later.
If we’re pedantic, shouldn’t we count Donkey Kong as the first Mario game?
In the nicest possible way:
Well it’s a good thing they said super Mario bros, and not just Mario bros. Also, they said the original theme to super Mario bros, not the theme to the original super Mario bros.
I’d count Wrecking Crew as the second mario game
Buried buried buried…
Or if you’re really feeling funky you could play Filthy Gorgeous . I can only hear this now whenever I think of the Mario underground theme.
Tune 👍
The raise the casket back up as the Bowser’s castle music starts playing.