Poverty sucks ass, I’ve been there. That said, you can get by for a long time with beans, rice and some veggies. Not a fun diet, but better than starving.
Well, that’s kinda the chief problem. Last time I did that I suffered brain fog the entire time. Same thing happened when I tried vegetarianism. And on top of that, I lost a surprising amount of muscle mass on beans and rice. I think I need more protein than that diet can offer. It’s just a shame that it’s so bloody expensive…
Hopefully this isn’t unwanted advice, but I have also cut out a lot of meat from my diet and I started getting weird side effects. (Lost feeling in my hands and feet, got dizzy a lot, felt extra stupid.)
After seeing a doctor, I take vitamin B and D supplements and it helped a lot. If you can’t see a doctor, you might consider trying some vitamin B and seeing if that helps. Apparently lots of vegetarians and vegans take it too.
I don’t mind the advice! I already take a B complex, though. I try to take vitamin D but I always forget that one. Probably because I don’t take it with a meal.
Poverty sucks ass, I’ve been there. That said, you can get by for a long time with beans, rice and some veggies. Not a fun diet, but better than starving.
Well, that’s kinda the chief problem. Last time I did that I suffered brain fog the entire time. Same thing happened when I tried vegetarianism. And on top of that, I lost a surprising amount of muscle mass on beans and rice. I think I need more protein than that diet can offer. It’s just a shame that it’s so bloody expensive…
Hopefully this isn’t unwanted advice, but I have also cut out a lot of meat from my diet and I started getting weird side effects. (Lost feeling in my hands and feet, got dizzy a lot, felt extra stupid.)
After seeing a doctor, I take vitamin B and D supplements and it helped a lot. If you can’t see a doctor, you might consider trying some vitamin B and seeing if that helps. Apparently lots of vegetarians and vegans take it too.
I don’t mind the advice! I already take a B complex, though. I try to take vitamin D but I always forget that one. Probably because I don’t take it with a meal.