• Blackbeard@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    For me, politics is about creating something better together. Alienating others in the way that’s being expressed here achieves absolutely nothing. It creates no improvement, only more hatred and division.

    If politics is about creating something better together, then alienating others in the way that Mitch McConnell did over the course of his entire career achieves absolutely nothing. It creates no improvement, only more hatred and division.

    If it hadn’t become clear LONG AGO that if you play politics by the rules you’ll lose every single time, then your appeal to the better angels of our nature would hold. As it stands, we all suffer because RBG appealed to respect and decorum. We all suffer because Obama appealed to respect and decorum. We all suffer because James Comey appealed to respect and decorum. Hell, we all suffer because LBJ appealed to respect and decorum. We suffer because people on the left have spent decades fighting political battles with white gloves on. We reach a hand across the aisle and have a knife inserted into our spinal column.

    Mitch McConnell succeeded beyond his wildest dreams because when he sensed blood in the water, he acted with ice in his veins. He abandoned all pretense to get whatever he wanted at every turn, naysayers and opponents be damned. He paved the road of his career with the guts of his enemies and never hesitated to lie, cheat, or steal to gain and maintain power, and we will all spend the rest of our mortal lives living with the ramifications of his actions.

    Look around, Helen. American politics can’t get much worse, so if it’s a bloodsport they want, it’s a bloodsport they’ll get.

    edit: How very, very convenient that you don’t even live in the US and so you’ll never be directly affected by Mitch McConnell’s actions and have the luxury of finger-wagging at those of us mired in his shit, all the way from the other side of the fucking ocean. How very convenient indeed.

    • mikkL@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Look around, Helen. American politics can’t get much worse, so if it’s a bloodsport they want, it’s a bloodsport they’ll get.

      If you think the answer is to be as morally bankrupt as you think your opponent is, you are ignoring your own supposed values.

      edit: How very, very convenient that you don’t even live in the US and so you’ll never be directly affected by Mitch McConnell’s actions and have the luxury of finger-wagging at those of us mired in his shit, all the way from the other side of the fucking ocean. How very convenient indeed.

      Your are right. But American politics have a way of being everyone’s business and influence a lot of people - people from the EU included. I see this influence on our political system, and it is not pretty. The idea about not playing by any rules is just sad; if you have no compass you are truly lost and don’t really work for anything.

      Side note: I am amazed that you think my nationality excludes me from having an opinion on this. It highlights the problem with a community called ‘politics’ on lemmy.****world only about American politics - and apparently only for Americans.

      • Boddhisatva@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Nobody is saying you can’t have an opinion on it. They’re saying that the ignorance of your opinion is explained by that fact that this asshole’s boot isn’t on your neck.

      • Blackbeard@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        If you think the answer is to be as morally bankrupt as you think your opponent is, you are ignoring your own supposed values.

        This isn’t about values, it’s about winning. I gave up on values because all it got me was a bunch of symbolic but futile victories. My wife’s life is in danger, my black friends are having their history rewritten, and my gay friends now have to worry about the validity of their marriage thanks to values-oriented thinking. I’m fucking done with that chapter. From now on I only care about what I can win for them.

        Your are right. But American politics have a way of being everyone’s business and influence a lot of people - people from the EU included. I see this influence on our political system, and it is not pretty. The idea about not playing by any rules is just sad; if you have no compass you are truly lost and don’t really work for anything.

        Nice of you to say when you’re not living under the yoke of people who won with no principles and no values. Meanwhile in this world…

        Side note: I am amazed that you think my nationality excludes me from having an opinion on this. It highlights the problem with a community called ‘politics’ on lemmy.****world only about American politics - and apparently only for Americans.

        The beauty of free speech is that you can have an opinion on this, and I can have an opinion on your opinion. Namely that it’s bullshit and irrelevant. But keep spouting by all means. Meanwhile I’ll wipe the blood off my wife’s uterus and try to figure out the next tactical step I can take to keep her safe. Hope the scene’s not too gruesome from your moral high horse.

        Final edit for clarification: You want to discuss non-US politics in this community? Then post a story about non-US politics. I notice you’ve posted exactly nothing, yet you’re here complaining that everything is US-centric. When you eventually do come up with something relevant and interesting, as soon as I show up to finger wag about what I think you should believe about your own country and leaders, feel free to tell me to take a long walk off a short pier. Until that time, both you and I are limited by the submissions that get posted, and which thus far have been US-specific. Unfortunately (for you) that’s how a crowd-sourced forum works. If you’re not part of the crowd, you have to engage with whatever content the crowd wants you to see. Don’t like it? Oh well!