Hello new Lemmy friends!

Word on the street tells us our community is regularly making it the all page. While this is very cool news to hear, we can see how the sudden emergence of our posts in your feed might feel jarring and probably raises some questions. And also how, without knowing the backstory, our community might appear less than virtuous, so here’s a very brief introduction which hopefully will clear a few things up.

The woman we’re discussing is a body positive influencer and media personality who has gained fame and wealth by lying, manipulating, exploiting her children for content, plagiarizing BIPOC creators and blaming her BIPOC content editor for it (thereby ruining her career), among other things. Her fraudulent behavior is no different (I’d argue worse) from the likes of Jay Shetty (google him if you don’t know who he is or what he did). She’s the latest in a long line of grifting influencers who are abusing their power, taking advantage of their position and exploiting their followers. The difference is that she’s Canadian. Our laws around social media and advertising aren’t as clear (and where they are she’s disobeyed them), add to that, our mainstream media has protected her from those who’ve tried to expose her grift and silenced/intimidated anyone who’s tried to speak out.

Our Reddit sub was taken down due to reports of copyright infringement, which is unfounded and categorically untrue as no one ever tried to steal her work and pass it off as their own. The mods have made an appeal. While at first glance it may seem like we’re just “shitting on her” the sub has been more devoted to investigation and posting proof of her lies than just bitching for the sake of bitching. The reality is that she’s hurt, manipulated and let down a lot of people. She stole intellectual property and employment, caused mental distress and has repeatedly told lies to boost engagement and profit off her audience, so people are understandably upset that their voices are being silenced.

We’re grateful to have been welcomed so kindly by so many of you, and to those sticking around to watch the drama unfold, we’re glad to have you!

  • Asafum@feddit.nl
    6 days ago

    Thanks for this! Honestly I just came across a video today and was so confused. I had no idea what I stumbled into lol

  • johan@feddit.nl
    17 days ago

    Hello and a warm welcome from this random lemmy user! Good luck with everything, hope you stick around

    • Joiyfulgrrrrl@lemmy.ca
      18 days ago

      While someone is messaging Jannette can they let her know the plagiarized was used in blogs before the cloud tailor?

      I know she’s an investigative journalist working so hard for us. Surely she’s aware but she keeps saying it was stolen from someone but someone else had already shared it ! She would have asked the person she said it’s stolen from , right ? I was googling because I couldn’t find the plagiarism stuff with the subreddit gone and it came right up.

      It can’t be private label content, Janette would know for sure how often that it used. Especially in fashion and lifestyle content. It has all the tell tale signs of being that but Janette would know she’s the real deal.

      Please tell me this isn’t going to fall apart for us once Janette starts digging deeper!

      • JanetteEwen@lemmy.ca
        18 days ago

        Hi Snarkers, I figured I’d sign up and respond back directly.
        Hello Joiyfulgrrrl, we’ve chatted before. I suspect you aren’t overly concerned about things falling apart once I start “digging deeper”. I know you are here to discredit me and make fun of me. Perhaps try using various voices when doing this. You always push similar accusations, with the same voice in your writing. It’s a dead giveaway. I’ll address your comments. The plagiarism. A) In the case of the Cloud Tailor copy used by Sarah for a sponsored by Dyson post-- even if camp papaya pays off the original writer so they claim it’s “private label content”, I already recorded Sarah’s website and my plagiarism search when I originally spotted the copy (2023). I also consulted a plagiarism expert. Soon after the plagiarism was posted on Reddit a Reddit member reached out to Sarah to ask her if she was aware of the plagiarism on the birds papaya corporation website. Sarah was shocked and surprised and was going to handle the plagiarism “head on”… while blaming her staff. I was sent the reciepts for that text conversation. In that text conversation, Sarah acknowledged that YES this is plagiarized content and yes it’s on her corporate website. Sarah also blew off a second sample of plagiarism- the Two Year old’s b-day party post. Sarah said it was “just ideas she found online”. The person texting Sarah left out the word for word copy from that post. I guess Sarah figured she could blow that one off. If Sarah’s company had used private label copy why wouldn’t have Sarah said that before. It’s been what? 14 months? B) There are more samples. I never play all my cards. C) In regards to your other posts and your tone in this one. I’m not an investigative reporter. And? Can’t a person try something new? Try to thing of this as my first walk down the runway. My form isn’t perfect but I’m doing my best. D) Digging deeper, I’m already dug and done. Anything new the snarkers find and handle. I don’t go to war unless I’ve already won. Common sense. E) If you want to shame me, calling me stupid or using this emoji 🤪 or Jan doesn’t do much. You hit a nail when you touched on me being a survivor of child abuse- maybe try to mess with my head there. You seemed to like the response you got on that one. F) don’t even bother coming back with OMG I was just trying to help, OMG I’m not that person, omg are you crazy. It’s boring and I expect a more worthy opponent. G) tread lightly on this page. People deserve a space to gather. I can be a real bitch when I’m annoyed. Can you imagine if I shared that phone call I received - asking what I want? That’s one hell of a red flag 🚩.

        Thanks Snarkers I hope you don’t minde jumping in for this one. I’ll go back to reading.

      • Spicykitty@lemmy.ca
        18 days ago

        I will tell her to check out this post. She knows this community exists but isn’t snarking here with us.

        • JanetteEwen@lemmy.ca
          18 days ago

          I just answered. This person isn’t concerned. They are attempting to undermine the accounts of plagiarsm. I hope you don’t mind me jumping on. I figured it’s a more efficient way of handling the comment.

  • MoonChild@lemmy.ca
    18 days ago

    She has a lot of gall to claim copyright infringement to take down the subreddit when her blog was a textbook example of copyright infringement. Reddit was fair use and if you need a lawyer I know quite a few who specialize in copyright

      • MoonChild@lemmy.ca
        18 days ago

        I’m sorry to comment on this one again but my brain keeps going back to it. Was this during the Knix trip? It sounds a lot like Alicia. She and Bri had that sunrise chat and they are both rabid for their Princess and would do anything to protect her. Sarah is very good at having her flying monkeys do the dirty work and she pretends she’s above it. The mask slipped a little last week with her story about the person saying they we’re unfollowing because she was droning on about SI.

      • MoonChild@lemmy.ca
        18 days ago

        If you look up the word hypocrite in the dictionary her picture is right there beside the definition so maybe she doesn’t see how ridiculous she’s being

      • MoonChild@lemmy.ca
        18 days ago

        It’s flimsy but a lot of these platforms will just take things down rather than fight. She can only claim copyright for the pics and videos she’s taken herself. Maybe buddy Briony claimed her copyright for the pics she had taken - was this soon after the podcast photoshoot?

        • ladybonerforjustice@lemmy.ca
          18 days ago

          You’re probably right re: Briony. She’s clearly obsessed with Sarah as she scours comment sections so she can block people. Who even has the time?

          Still, the subreddit mods said they never even got a warning. It doesn’t sit well with me that Reddit allows misogyny, underage porn and outright violence but not this. Talk about inconsistent.

          • MoonChild@lemmy.ca
            18 days ago

            The whole thing smells funny - no warning is unusual and it happened after the rules were tightened up. I thought it was all very well run so they had to try for the copyright infringement. The question is why not just remove the pics deemed to be in violation? It’s really heavy-handed

            • ladybonerforjustice@lemmy.ca
              18 days ago

              Exactly, it could very easily have been remedied. I really hope mods win their appeal as they/we didn’t do anything wrong or unusual.

          • olivesandpoppies@lemmy.ca
            18 days ago

            Briony who went in full designer clothes with friends during covid restrictions to a low price grocery store (as a joke) and was kicked out for making fun of the store and people while filming content? Sounds about white.

        • Spicykitty@lemmy.ca
          16 days ago

          I know that there is also the fair use act, so using the photos for educational purposes and not claiming them as your own is supposed to be protected. But a lot of platforms just take the stuff down and give you a hard time proving it, from what I’ve seen.

          • bunniculamonroe@lemmy.ca
            16 days ago

            Yep, it’s bullshit. The onus is actually on the person who claims copyright to prove it, so if you appeal a copyright claim then the person who reported it has to show how it is copyrighted in a certain amount of time or it will get reinstated. From my experience though, the pulling it immediately already does the damage and people don’t want to bother fighting it. I don’t know if counterclaims would help the sub get reinstated though.

            • ladybonerforjustice@lemmy.ca
              16 days ago

              Wonder if Reddit has similar rules because they’d be in violation themselves for removing the sub based on bs copyright claims.

    • MoonChild@lemmy.ca
      18 days ago

      I really love this community but, on principle, I think it’s important to get the subreddit reinstated even if we don’t use it as often.

      • Blaze@reddthat.com
        18 days ago

        I hope you all will get your sub back.

        Even if Reddit is going downhill, it still sucks to see it banned.

    • Spicykitty@lemmy.ca
      18 days ago

      I am starting to like this one, too. Still getting used to the new names, and often wondering who has been with us but just chose a different name and who is new lol. I like this though! I hated it while trying to navigate it on the mobile site but since downloading the thunder app it’s much better