In her own words…

I’ve experienced more body shaming in this last week than I have in my entire life.

But the truth is - it’s happened for me at every weight and size and it’s been relentless in my entire existence starting when I was on a playground.

What’s the point of body shaming? No really. What is it? To keep us feeling small, playing small? Too much, never enough?

I have a unique perspective. I’ve put my body through hell to be a size 0 and I was miserable, unhealthy, crumbling. But I would have done anything to escape the body shaming I received at a larger size. But guess what? It still happened. And guess what? Most of it came from within. So when they tell me how not enough I am, I remember what it felt like to live small to be small.

When I shared the video of my walk and I said in the caption that I knew it would receive negativity but it mattered more to me that we showed up for our ONE FREAKING LIFE, I meant it.

These negative commenters are not the ones that need us. They’re not our kids or our partners or our memories. They’re not US.

So I’m sharing with you some of the messages that are the kind we focus on, the ones we give our energy to.

Because while I have this one life to live, We also have only so much energy to give. And I believe we are collectively better when we choose to not just give kindness but receive it louder than the rest.

There will be many in this life that won’t like you. Don’t be one of them.

So cheers to us, exactly right now.

Photos by my friend and inspiration @huntermcgrady

    3 months ago

    I think she’s bringing this up so that she can gather more of an army behind her for the inevitable sh*tstorm that’s coming with Jeanette’s expose. She wants people to rally behind her and this is how she’s manipulating people into it. 😡 also the story she posted that ‘she’s fine’ and actually running 3 races this month- get the effff over your dang self. Gawd. She’s very arrogant and it’s gross.

        3 months ago

        So she has until the end of August but she’s going do her 3-5kms by the end of June 🤔. Also I guess what she’s saying here is all her stories she posts all day everyday are just bs lies.

          3 months ago

          No clue about her life yet she posts every single thing she does lol. So weird . She gives me the ick

            3 months ago

            She would drop her workout routine but she can’t because she most definitely does not exercise regularly. These 3-5k’s if she does them is the only thing she has done since RunDisney 😂 and she’s only doing it for the bloody medals. Like who the hell does she think she’s fooling?