Alt text: O’RLY? generated book cover with a donkey, navy blue accent, header: “It’s only free if you don’t value your time”, title: “Handling Arch Linux Failures”, subtitle: “Mom, please cancel my today’s agenda!”
Alt text: O’RLY? generated book cover with a donkey, navy blue accent, header: “It’s only free if you don’t value your time”, title: “Handling Arch Linux Failures”, subtitle: “Mom, please cancel my today’s agenda!”
Linux is also way more helpful when troubleshooting imo. There’s usually an easy to find log with a helpful error message. Windows is just “Shit didn’t work. (0xGOFUCKYOURSELF).”
Don’t have to spend time troubleshooting if you just never fix the BSOD and just kinda live with it. Point for windows