In Victoria, all wildlife is protected under the Wildlife Act. It is illegal to disturb or destroy wildlife without an appropriate authorisation, licence or exemption
Now they don’t need to apply for an ACTW if:
shooting Eastern or Western Grey Kangaroos if you are using an authorised harvester as part of the Kangaroo Harvesting Program
But this clearly wasn’t done in conjunction with a harvester, an ACTW wasn’t obtained, and most importantly it he article mentions many of them being killed by vehicles.
This is the case of some fucksticks going spotlighting in their utes across multiple properties.
Not in Victoria.
Now they don’t need to apply for an ACTW if:
But this clearly wasn’t done in conjunction with a harvester, an ACTW wasn’t obtained, and most importantly it he article mentions many of them being killed by vehicles.
This is the case of some fucksticks going spotlighting in their utes across multiple properties.