My baby is 6 weeks old. I’ve been planning to buy some loop earplugs “soon”. Well she just discovered a kind of cry that reverberates in my amygdala, so “soon” was NOT SOON ENOUGH.

Sigh. I’m gonna buy loops once my partner is awake. Yknow, so I can ask what colour he wants his in…

Eta for context! Loops and ear defenders specifically don’t block all noise, they just reduce the decibels of loud sounds. So using them means you can be more physically present for a baby with colic (and probably other fun ailments that happen later) longer before you need to step away from your nerves being fried. This is especially life-saving for neurodivergent parents, obviously, but I’d bet most parents get stressed and tetchy during certain cries.

Tl;dr still always reply to your baby when they cry! And it’s okay to use tools that make the experience gentler on yourself.

    8 months ago

    I did not interpret tour comment as ignoring them only when you are worn out and cannot deal with the situation.

    In that case, yes I agree, and I reach that point myself occasionally as well, and do walk away if needed to recoup myself.

    My objection was against treating this as a regular behaviour, rather then a rare exception.

    And i did have a baby with colic. Fortunately it was the first one, and it’s much easier when you only have one to deal with, so I was generally composed.