Always shake out your bags before going to market.
Void says don’t forget treats or I’ll bite your fingers.
Please be advised that I am going to meme your cat.
Thank you for not objecting.
Kind regards,
Hi everyone, just a quick heads up that I’ve created an account on Aussie Zone directly, instead of cross-posting from Mastodon.
So if you’ve noticed my username has suddenly changed, that’s why 😊
so many hugs 😘
Thank youuu 🥰
So yeah, no more @ing half a dozen people on every reply.
(Yeah, that one was starting to annoy me too!)
Ah welcome entirely to this wholesome place haha
I do think mastodon is such a cool name for it tho
One of us, one of us!
Well, yah Llab has levelled up in the migraine game. Forced ED visit was a first.
Feeling human at this point, highly underrated.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to people who made drugs.
Migraines are vile. Are you on preventative meds? It could be time to revisit your neuro if things have changed.
Yay for feeling human!
Thanks! Definitely revelling in my humanness today!
hope you feel better real soon
migraines can be scary , just rest now , so many hugs
Thanks so much! Rest was definitely advised.
Oof that sounds rough. :( hope it’s a quick recovery and stays that way for you here
Thanks so much!
Much, much better now. Never say never, but praying this is my first and last (visit).
Really glad to hear you’re much better. I can’t begin to imagine a migraine that’s bad enough to need to go to the ER - sheer torture. Also hoping it never happens again.
Out of curiosity, how long did you have to wait to be seen?
I was actually lucky. I think it wasn’t too busy at the ED, so triage was quick (one NS was on and another came on not long after. One person was being seen and one was in front of me.)
Maybe lucky if that took all of 10-15mins. I got in quite quickly, IV + anti-emetic first. Moved 3 times (chair + 2 beds). Dozed a lot. First bed was where I got Panadol (didn’t touch the edges) and finally whatever it was they gave me. After 30 mins it still didn’t clear, I moved beds again, but I managed to doze it off maybe after another 90min+ and didn’t need the next line. Maybe 5ish hours all up? It did take a couple of hours to see a Dr., but everything else was very smooth.
It was just the fact that it was so debilitating? Like at the worst, I could sleep it off for a few hours, or overnight, but this was not budging at all. I maxed out my OTC stuff and wasn’t sleeping through. Utterly nauseous, super light sensitive. Felt like living hell like a hangover on steroids. Given this was not alcohol related, definitely made me think how I ever survived hangovers in the first place. I mean I jest now, but there was no way I would have ever gone to ED if I didn’t feel it was this bad.
(I’ll admit I was slightly embarrassed. I hated the thought of taking up a bed from someone else who might have needed it more, so as soon as I was good to go, I was out of there. So grateful to all the HC staff. No one made me feel as though I was wasting their time and just said come back if it’s an issue again.)
It sounds entirely reasonable that you went to the ED! Who knows if it was a sign of something really sinister like a brain haemorrhage? That’s awesome that you got attended to quickly, given the rampant stories of overloaded EDs - which is a symptom of underfunding and not at all something you should feel personally responsible for. I’m glad they were able to treat you. It really sounded like hell…
🖤 It sounded like it was a bit of an anomaly from the snatches of staff conversation I could hear.
Definitely! I got checked for meningitis and asked a few questions to rule out anything else. The eye pressure I was most concerned about didn’t seem to be a worry and that eased off with every else. That was probably my main concern, so definitely worth checking! ✨
Hahaha. Gargoyles.
Guardian lions. I love the colour of your couch, too
new to me cabinet is here, Bill Cat loves it. It really needs a clean and I’m stripping out the contact someone had put in
it’s perfect for my shell collection 😊🐚
Ooh keen to see the shell collection when it’s done :)
God I’m annoyed.
Old man is 80 attempting to clean gutters (that I’ve already cleaned). Ladder would be 2.8m high. When I wasn’t looking he moved the ladder which I had anchored and tethered at the correct angle on flat gravel. At 80, doing it in inappropriate footwear, moved it to undulating wet grass with a running hose (going all over the ladder).
So I gave him a lecture on how fucking stupid that was. He didn’t take that well.
Just last month putting blinds up inside, he was scaling a step ladder in socks.
Fucken death wish.
Stubbornness at its best. My dad’s prone to it as well.
@Duenan @Bottom_racer And people wonder why I’m scared of ladders!
it is honestly one of the most rational fears anyone can (and should have) with DIY stuff (same at worksites). Stats for falls (especially at that age) from that height are shocking.
Yeah, my partner gently teases me about it.
I’m generally okay with heights. Like, I can be out on the balcony of a 20th story building, no worries.
But. There’s no way you’ll find me above the second- or third-top rung of a ladder.
(There’s only one handywoman in our house, and it’s definitely not me 😆).
Well, one of the highest %age of falls includes a ladder.
May or might not help:
(Hmm, just realised I have no links markup button.)
Anyhoo, facts: risk of falls is higher post surgery. Does he really want to risk a break or joint replacement (NOF breaks do not equal fun). There will be pain, recovery and restrictions.
Not to mention all the other nasties you can do.
Nothing is a good as your own stuff is you if don’t need it replaced. (Pride before fall. Pun intended.)
seriously, if you use a ladder wait until you can get someone to help
And I’ll add to this that the 12 month mortality rate post hip fracture for those over 65 is around 50%. It truly is life changing and not in a good way.
Yay: brain fog seemed to be clearing
Nay: got short sharp shock diarrhoea immediately after eating out today
Yay: recovered quickly and took my young relative on her first ever drive and it went well
Nay: brain fog returning and can’t have tasty dinner :(
Yay: I have no commitments for the rest of the weekend and a light week next week, and can just sleep, and sleep, and sleep.
Damn. Really riding that roller coaster there.
What’s for dinner tonight?
Just plain clear soup and toast. Not gonna be too hard on my tummy for tonight at least
Attempting this for dinner - Air fryer nachos
Edit - goddamn! That was really f-ing good and the kids loved it. Win
You NEED to let us know how you go
Oohh nachos. Sounds yummy!
omg, that could feed like 3 people, 4 tops
Went shopping for a birthday gift for 10yo, who apparently is into Rainbow Friends. Ugh, I hate buying Roblox game merch, like they need my money. Minipeelers started to get shitty at each other, so I bought them each a $5 pool noodle and had them fight it out in the park next to the train station. They had fun with it, and it made a few people smile as they went past.
That’s brilliant!!!
@CEOofmyhouse56 @PeelerSheila Reminds me of a few years ago, when I had to go along to a friend’s kids’ birthday party.
I really didn’t know what to get as a prezzie. I ended up picking a stuffed pink unicorn toy that cost maybe $10.
Fast forward to the party.
The kids parents and grandparents absolutely spoiled this kid.
I’m talking hundreds of dollars worth of toys. It was just obscene!
The living room of their house ended up filled with them. A Barbie doll house that was taller than this kid. A ride-on toy car. Half a dozen battery-powered things that made annoying noises.
Anyway. Eventually the kid opened my present.
Hrr eyes lit up. She grabbed it, cuddled that unicorn, and left all the other toys on the ground.
Her grandma and grandpa were visibly miffed.
So yeah. Sometimes a cheap, fun toy trumps hundreds of dollars of overpriced plastic crap. 🧸🦄🎁
Well done! Lol, I bet half that stuff broke within a couple of months. So much waste.
We’re running a roaring trade off in gift bags with a roblox gift card and giant bags of mixed Lollies in my 10yo’s friend group.
I’m gonna keep that in mind for next time, that’s a good one.
The dog and I had a synchronised snooze on the couch. The kid walked past and took a photo because we looked “cute” and also to deposit a dropped chicken nugget into his bowl. He did not wake up. I have broken a Jack Russell.
Doggo rigidly respecting the 5 second rule.
He must of been in a deep sleep because he can hear a dropped nugget from three rooms away.
Now I want chicken nuggets
Related: has anyone tried snchitz’s nuggets (which they lovingly entitled “Schnuggets”)? I haven’t because they seem ridiculously expensive, but then again, they all at the moment
No I haven’t tried them
Buy some spicy chicken tenders from the freezer at Aldi. They are very good.
Already do
Did he get his nuggs in the end? My heart is breaking thinking that the poor critter is starving.
Yeah he got his nugget and of course he wanted more.
Oh, that’s a relief! Mine is a weird and doesn’t like nuggs unless you throw them and she catches them mid air.
I have finished bg3. And I am heartbroken. It wasn’t the destination, it was the journey. And the characters will have a lasting effect on me. 10/10 perfect game.
Time for another play through and a different ending
Honestly no idea what I’m gonna do next. Gonna give Bg3 a bit of time to mellow I think.
I felt the same about suzerain. Kind of broke me for a few days afterwards. There’s nothing really sad, but being completely engrossed in a story of your choosing for 15-20 hours tends to make your character feel like an extension of yourself. Hard to snap out of it
Exactly, the character WAS me. And he got a happy ending of sorts but it was about the family made along the way and some tough losses.
What did you play as?
Wizard. With Karlach, shadowheart and lazel as my main party.
I did palladin with the same party 😂 I’d switch lazel with astarion or Gael at times. Later on used Minthara a bit too
Might replay as a monk or druid maybe
I don’t think I even met Mintgara?
Damn it, I meant Jaehira. Minthara is a boss that you can potentially recruit…I think
Fell asleep on couch for hours. Would’ve stayed there if I hadn’t turned off the heater at some point. Moved to bedroom which should’ve been pre heated between 8-11pm but the heat had all dissipated by the time I ambled in at 2:50am. I’m under so many layers but now I can’t go back to sleep, grrr…
On the upside, first night without any coughing at all, probably from sleeping on the couch with my head raised much higher.
I fell asleep sitting up too and felt ok. In the past everyone used to sleep sitting up in box beds, they thought it was healthier. Maybe sleeping with lots of big pillows is not such a bad idea?
I think I’d need to push my bed up against a wall so I can prop pillows up against it for sideways support. I tried sleeping with lots of pillows in bed when my cough was worse but would keep sliding off
Good morning everyone. Happy Saturday
Happy Saturday! I trust Chook is in fine feather?
He’s singing joyously and doing laps of the living room
Happy staurday!
Morning mum. Welcome to the weekend 🥰
New account same fluffy butt
Will you grace us with a pic of said fluffy butt? :3
In a calmer moment. Also I’m going to finish depth level 3 today, I’ve got all day in bed.
Ah perfect proof of life! Hah!
You can do it! I’ve leveled up Inna and working on Silan and his quest, as it unlocks another character. They’re all so different, very different play styles. I’m hooked lol
I’ve gotten the closest with Inna and the the blood mage character.
Im trying the paladin now but it’s not easy.
I still can’t believe this game is free. It’s honestly nuts! Makes slay the spire seem so shitty in comparison.
Slay the Spire is real shite in comparison. Like, this is next level card game.
I’ve spent, maybe $5 in total, because I wanted to pay something; it’s such a huge game with massive variety, and with the quests and the forge and market bonuses you can get there is a sense of progression and purpose to the experience.
I think the key to completing quests is to really lean into the character card design. Some work extremely well with evasion cards, or arcane. Shock synergises the best with Inna. Burn synergises the best with Raodan. Arcane with Silan. But then branching out and experimenting with other status/debuffs adds another level to the gameplay.
Man, I should write a review haha
It’s done!!! Fuuuuuuuuucking finally lol Now onto depth level 4 lol
Bruh! King! 👑
If you beat the quest to get depth 4 let me know 😭 I’m struggling with it and the white flame quest ugh
without a pic we must assume you are an impostor
Ta da!
All good, G?
Tried to stretch out the overly tight undies elastic that was cutting into me and the fabric straight up ripped.
Then I was using the hairdryer to dry some slightly damp sponged spots on the electric blanket and the motor burned out. It literally died and produced smoke.
Big W and Kmart used to be good for basics but are now just cheap and nasty. Barely usable. I’m in a Sam Vimes situation constantly spending to replace things that are unwearable or break extremely fast.
Unfortunately the more expensive brands seem to be similarly bad so that’s not a reliable solution. Even the material I could buy to make my own clothes would be more expensive and worse.
Also I bought a soap I used many years ago. The reformulation stinks, burned my skin, and the bar is now tiny. Not only shorter more narrow and thinner but the arch on the back has become so pronounced that half the bar is gone.
Dunno if tradie do the ones your looking for, but been pretty happy with the boxer briefs I got from them. I’d wait for them to be on sale though.
Yeah maybe
@melbaboutown @Seagoon_ I’ve definitely noticed a decline in their quality, especially with their elastics, stitching, and fabric quality.
Also, any “lace” trims will begin to fray in a wash or two, even if you handle it carefully.
It’s very frustrating.
I have no idea what to do. Maybe try Zara or H&M.
Uniqlo seems to be pretty good quality still for reasonable prices. Their stuff lasts well.
But yep, so much cheap crap out there. It’s really alarming. It’s not just ripping people off but also filling up landfill.
the worst thing is that it mostly effects and exploits the poor but most items are shittier now
I talked with my cobbler and he was telling me midas shoes have become bad quality in general. The leather is bad quality and workmanship not as good, it’s barely worth it to have them repaired. I still buy them because they have wide fittings and don’t look like little old lady shoes . 🤷♀️
I’ve found that with most shoes. My newbalances started disintegrating 6 months in without much use. After a year and a half ish, they have mostly disintegrated. Soles flapping off, the little liner things on the inside sole has worn through, the little rubber flaps that fold from the sole up to the fabric at the end of shoes fell apart. Some of it’s probably fixable with a bit of super glue, but I shouldn’t have to super glue shoes after 6 months of use. I found the same with Nike airs and a pair of asics
I do have a pair of work boots I got for like 70 bucks from Kmart 2 and a half years ago that are still kicking though. They’re completely unbranded, but the only thing wrong with them is the Velcro strap on the side has detached from the rubber of the shoe. I don’t mind fixing something like that after 2 years, as long as the whole shoe isn’t disintegrating
I’m going to try those Bondi hocus things and see if they’re any good. Hopefully they are. They look sturdy
@underwatermagpies @Seagoon_ The only thing about Uniqlo is that their sizes all tend to run a *lot* smaller than most other stores.
Normally wear a medium?
Okay, at Uniqlo you’ll want to try a large and an extra large.
Maybe if I get a chance to try on