Skip to the end if you don’t care about the update:

Long story long with a lot of extra detail since the ordeal is basically over now:

I was illegally detained and searched by security while working at a festival. The security were blatantly corrupt, having broken into our camp and stolen things multiple times in the first two nights alone. Security claimed I had substances and a burner but the police dropped the entire investigation for multiple reasons (basically they had nothing to go off of but the word of security who had also stolen everything my partner and I brought to the festival - roughly £600 of camping gear and clothes. At the time I felt utterly powerless and like my life had ended in the whim of some undertrained removed.

The funny thing is I never really had any of the stuff security said I did - at most you could say I confiscated it from some kid who was shitting himself because I caught him with it. I was going to try to turn it in without getting them into trouble but the moment they saw me with a bag and a phone, possibly because I’m brown, they decided that I must be a dealer.

But I was incredibly lucky with the sergeant, she was genuinely quite understanding, seemed to believe me, also had ADHD which may have helped as well as me being in a long term relationship with an okay job. The duty solicitor did an excellent job as well although she was unbelievably busy so contact was few and far between. I got away essentially scot free ( as I should have, I genuinely didn’t do anything wrong lol)

Thanks to the help of you generous lot and the most based comrade I know IRL, I was able to just about cover rent while I was waiting for a new job to start.

Unfortunately the job offer was retracted, thanks to a misleading reference given out by the one of the most evil banks in the UK (it rhymes with Sharklays - put a on the end of that to find out more). It was hell to work there (I was frontline customer service, not doing evil investments don’t worry), the employee turnover was insane - we were short staffed by about 750 in our department alone. So we were doing over twice as much work as we were supposed to - oh but the do-nothing, clueless-about-the-role, check-emails-and-go-to-pointless-meetings-micromanagers were “really grateful” for all the work (just not in anyway that paid us for doing two people’s work). And to top it off the CEO was an Epstein client.

So yeah after working there for a year, being a top performer, experiencing intense mania followed by a massive breakdown due to the stress and then getting a disciplinary investigation for “call avoidance” (my system had been set up incorrectly from day one and there was calls I literally could not take because of this), I left for my not-quite-dream but definitely interesting and chill office job for an actual half decent company. Only for shitty Barclays to lie in the reference and say that I left mid disciplinary, which despite emails showing I didn’t do and their own policy saying it shouldn’t have been on my record, I can’t take them to court without spending a load of money. But that will have to come another time because I’ve still got bigger fish to fry right now.

I’m still asking for money though, don’t you worry! I just need a little bit of help paying off the debts I accrued while unable to work. Rent is fine and basically covered I’m very behind on bills and debt payments so bailiffs are looking to take possessions if I don’t pay soon, which would probably be my pc which I need for work stuff.

Every little helps if you can and it’s seriously much appreciated. One day once my feet are fully back under me (hopefully soon, I’m actually really loving this new job) I will be able to pay people back and/or pay it forward here.

My cashapp (UK only I believe: £tongzhi PayPal. Me/temphelp Any other methods on m

I will likely repost this in a month or two if that’s within the rules

Tl;dr life still a bit fucked, could I borrow some money please mum/dad/glucose guardian??

    • VOLCEL_POLICE [it/its]@hexbear.netB
      2 months ago


      نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
