(This technique is also called vipassana, shikantaza, asamprajnata dhyana, meditation without a seed, choiceless awareness, objectless meditation and nonconcentration meditation)

Sit down in your special sitting place. Back straight. Breathe from your belly. Eyes half-closed. Relax.

Watch the river of experience.

That is, watch all the sights, sounds, thoughts, feelings etc that you are experiencing right now. Watch that whole thing. Watch experience-stuff come and go.

Watch, peaceful like in Shrink but without directing your attention at anything in particular.

Watch your attention too.

Watch how you sometimes move your attention in reaction to the thoughts, sounds etc. To direct it here or there, at this or that. To think a thought or whatever.

When you feel like you are about to react like that, don’t do it. Don’t react.

Just keep on watching. Keep your attention relaxed and spread out wide.

That’s it. That’s the whole technique.