• @H4rdStyl3z@lemmy.ml
    72 years ago

    Brave doesn’t seem like an ethical option to me considering the company’s past record and the current owner’s personal views. Techincally speaking, it is probably quite good though.

    • dinomugOP
      32 years ago

      In the case of Brave search, he seems to be confused or focused more on the user experience than on whether it is a true ethical alternative to G*. After that I could no longer take his analysis or his arguments seriously.

  • @Zerush@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    I use most Andisearch (AI driven, own search engine), apart also MetaGer, some public instances of Whoogle , Peekier and Lilo, apart from some específic ones (f.Exmpl.Pixabay for the Imagesearch, Piped for Videos, CCsearch, WolframAlpha, Wiki, etc.). For an exhaustive search, depending on the subject, it is necessary to use several search engines, since the results depend a lot on the different indexes. I have also tried some metasearch engines, which include different engines, but the APIs they use from others are usually very limited, as in the case of SearX, which apart from showing little stability. The only one I have stayed with is the German metasearch engine MetaGer, which is quite stable and shows good results. All the mentioned are strictly private, without ads and tracking. You can find the most exhaustive list of search engines here, with corresponding codes to use them in the browser.