• The Pantser@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Same, I will add a new show to Sonarr and just let it download. Then I wait for a few seasons and check reviews. If it gets canceled without an ending I just go and delete it. If it gets a few seasons and it’s been granted a final season I will start binging while the last season is produced so I can watch the final with everyone else. If a show is canceled without an ending even if it had 5 seasons it goes straight to the trash.

    I don’t waste my time with cliffhangers. Even if the ending is bad at least it ended. I wont be let down.

    Recent shows that had great seasons and good ending was Sweet tooth, Doom Patrol, Future man.

    Recent show that was pretty good up until the last season was Evil, hold shit that final was garbage.

    Recent show that went right into the trash without a watch, Deadboy devices, Quantum Leap reboot, The Tick

    Recent = last 10 years since it takes that long to wrap a show with 3 seasons it seems.