Not my video

    13 days ago

    I shit you not exactly this happened to me today in the grass touching place, I was listening to a guy take down neoliberalism, impeccably in my view, and was nodding along (yes, YES) and then he hit me with the: “I’m just angry that real good liberalism has been supplanted with neoliberalism.” (paraphrase) WHAT THE FUCK (at this juncture Losurdo seemless co-existance of liberalism and slavery, founding fathers etc.)

    Some of these people are so often allergic to the implications of their sometimes quite admirable critical thinking.

    Makes you want to shake them and shout “don’t you see how the one lays the groundwork for the other??” Follow through for fuck’s sake. So frustrating

    But I did get a good introduction what an exceptionally twisted piece of shit hayek actually was so eh