Canvas is available for Lemmy!

This is similar to reddit’s /r/place. Each user gets to place a pixel on a canvas. The pixels are refreshed every 30 seconds.

The website with the canvas is:

To log-in, you simply provide your instance’s name and your username, and you get a code to log-in.

I have made a template for making an XNO flag. You can reach it by clicking here.

In the settings there is a button that allows you to toggle the tample on/off. You can use that button to make sure that you are placing the pixel in an unoccupied spot.

  • Max@nano.gardenOPM
    1 year ago

    No problem! I wasn’t sure about how to help fix the bitcoin because the template is a bit more complex, but if I see that it’s attacked again I’ll help! _

    Also, I think small attacks are at the edge of what the rules allow, but if users starts attacking in masse or using multiple accounts to attack quickly - to the point that it is not even fun to try to defend because it is impossible - then you can report the attackers to the canvas admins and they’ll be removed from the game.

      1 year ago

      not sure what the bitcoiners are up to, but there’s two main ones: mubelotix & Aelorius from, they keep whittling away at the nyano. i didn’t help them last night when randoms were attacking them because they’ve been pretty consistent at using spare pixels to attack poor nyano. most of my time has been spent grinding this rainbow and transitioned to zelda / majora’s mask here

          1 year ago

          Nooo i think the triforce guy might want to use it as as shield?

          …hear me out…shooting a lil rainbow through monero at bitcoin 😹

            1 year ago

            idk i’d be okay if they wanted to move it to the left a little bit, but it feels like they want to destroy it completely :'(

          • Max@nano.gardenOPM
            1 year ago

            I won’t to contribute to putting things through other people’s drawings, I don’t like that, even if they are being mean. But if you give me the template of the cat I can help defend it

              1 year ago

              it’s a bit ad hoc, i’ve mainly just been defending the general form; so far that + sign has never been attacked. last nite i took a screenshot of the main nyano image and tried to shrink it. currently my settings are horizontal position 289 vertical 126 width 19 with this image.

              • Max@nano.gardenOPM
                1 year ago

                Is there a reason why you want the cat there? I can help you re-build it somewhere else! Or are you having fun fighting? If so I just hope it is fun for everyone involved 😅

                  1 year ago

                  Could you elaborate on how nyano is backed by nano? And why does it smell like shitcoin?

                  • Max@nano.gardenOPM
                    1 year ago

                    Could you elaborate on how nyano is backed by nano? And why does it smell like shitcoin?

                    I understand that it is a character from a Nano wallet that calls the nano Nyano and multiplies the balance times some number. So it’s just a cat for a specific Nano wallet’s front-end, called “Nyano”, and not a different crypto. But I am not personally so familiar with Nyano, I think can correct me if there is something else to it.

                    Still, I would not have chosen to place a crypto-related icon next to the drawings of another crypto project myself, precisely to avoid a situation of conflict. I am helping defend the drawing it in good spirit to help out the only other active user in this instance, but I consider it to be playful. If you are actually bothered by it I can stop defending it or even help take it off. The canvas is supposed to be free for whoever lands at a spot to do what they want, but I do understand that proximity in some cases can also be considered a form of provocation to some

                  1 year ago

                  kind of just the flow of things, was browsing around and looking for something to do, while I started angling the rainbow, they were building Monero, Bitcoin, Litecoin, but that drunnels guy made a pink circle to the left of them, and then was gone and no one was doing anything with it, and it just seemed like the perfect spot for our cat.

                  i’m still transforming this heart into the mask, it’s rough 💗 trying to squeeze everything in there and make it look ok

                  i still can’t read the bitcoiners mind though, i can’t tell if they’re just trying to re-arrange it a little or if there was just enough resistance to deter them from advancing too heavily. but last night there was a point where there was like a three way fight for that pink circle area and i just made sure to keep restoring nyano’s bright eyes. the fact that the + sign was never encroached on gives me hope that nyano deserves to be there.

                  and yeah, cats don’t mind a lil’ trouble!

                  • Max@nano.gardenOPM
                    1 year ago

                    Alright! There’s another conversation I had on this thread, and they are willing to be allies instead of enemies.

                    From what they wrote in this thread they believe that you are the one that initiated the attack, and pointed out that you have been placing pixels on other’s peoples projects. Maybe you have done that by mistake (it’s not so hard to mis-place pixels on the canvas!), or some form of misunderstanding… or maybe you do enjoy causing trouble 😅 If you do enjoy causing trouble, then it is understandable that they would want to fight back.

                    For now they have agreed to leave the cat alone as long as the border and the skull are respected and none of us of us attacks their art. I won’t be here for much longer so I can’t help later. I hope you are happy with the alliance and that you also agree that peace is the best way forward! Good luck with your canvas art projects! I’m excited to see the finished art in the morning :D

                    Nano heart