• webadict@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Again, you should re-read history for how indigenous peoples were systematically genocided. Shall I post for you the “noble savage”? Would you like to see how media at the time was flooded with stories about “they just want to dance, worship animals, and speak gibberish?” Want to tell me how it’s different from what you’re saying now?

    You are eating the same brand of propaganda that was used against indigenous peoples, black people, women, etc., etc., and using it against LGBT people. You have learned nothing from tragedy, except to hate others. Congratulations on assimilating.

    • BadAdvice@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Bullets and blankets mostly. Then came the churches, the camps, and eventually the schools. Y’see, the difference is that the media came after. It happened to the southern empires first. The propaganda comes well after the genocide. It’s a justification tool. You’re here trying to tell me the media is telling me who to hate. I don’t hate trannies. We have a gay bar downtown overflowing with them. Good, cop hating people. What I hate is seeing them in the news picketing to bring back drag queen story hour when there are homeless cities without water down the street. I hate seeing senators argue about prepubescent access to hrt when there are 150 year old treaties not being honored to this day with native peoples. And I hate seeing all of you here put words in my mouth about who I should or shouldn’t hate for reasons I never brought up to begin with. There is no wrong think. Hatred is allowed. Sometimes, it’s even justified. I just try my best to hate ideas instead of people. So no, I don’t hate trannies or gays or twinsouls or any other extremely niche group youd like to add to the soup. I hate the overblown media footprint of shit that does not and will not ever matter to the overwhelming majority of people in this country.

      • webadict@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        You obviously do, since you’re using the t-slur to describe them, as well as saying “gays”.

        Damn, dude, try harder.