things are going pretty good. just published my latest blog post; i might toss it over here as its own post later today, who knows

    9 days ago

    Attended a fair on Saturday as a vendor but didn’t make back the table fee, which is really kind of a shame. The weather was brisk and incredibly windy, which contributed to folks not really coming through. While I lost some cash doing it, maybe half of the other vendors had broken tents and merchandise by ninety minutes in, so I have to be grateful that our plants are a little heavier than that and I bring enough weights to hold our tent in place. What I missed in dollars I may have made up for in contacts, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

    My parents visited for the first time since our daughter was born, which was really nice for everyone involved. They even babysat so my wife and I could go out for our 7th wedding anniversary! Five minutes into being seated at the restaurant, my wife took my hand, gazed deeply into my eyes, and said “do you think she’s behaving for them?” XD