Wouldn’t you know it, I’ve been messing with the current release candidate for FreeCAD lately. Just now, I used it to make this.

I got annoyed at having to search through all these multipacks of files to find a Gridfinity bin in the size I want. So I decided the hell with it, and made a parametric configurable FreeCAD model that creates bins or you, in any size (within reason) and also with a configurable number of fixed dividers in the bargain.

My main intent was, of course, to use these to organize oodles and oodles of pocketknives. You’ll never be able to guess why. But if you have a use for it, knock yourself out.

  • bluewing@lemm.ee
    6 hours ago

    There has been an effort improve the usability of the GUI. And a pointed effort to create a unified and default assembly workbench that actually works, (it seems off to a good start). Some improvements to the CAM workbench and several others. But much of what other things have been done are relatively minor like improving the solvers ability to create fillets and chamfers without failure.

    But honestly, Ondsel has been very open that the main goal with the 1.0 release is the TPN resolution and far less about new features.