• sorval_the_eeter@lemmy.world
    6 hours ago

    Third parties are spoilers

    Its complicated. They only become spoilers after the election is counted. On the days leading up to the election people not pledging their votes to one candidate or another are sought after, and sometimes that seeking takes the form or candidates doing desperate policy changes to bring their poll numbers up. Like we saw with Harris spouting off trying to appeal to gun nuts the other day. If enough Dem voters had stood up and said, “Hey stop it with the weapon shipments and at least be neutral in this because whats going on is not adhering to Who Americans are” then Harris would have felt pressure to stop the shipments, out of a once every 4 year fear that the people might be pissed at her. For the rest of the time our opinions dont matter for shit to party leadership.

    But to date she hasnt felt the pressure. The killing continues becasue we let it continue out of fear of trump winning. We dont trust that Harris is smart enough to get a message like, “hey cut that out”, from us, but I bet she and her staff are smart enough if we could just come together and send the message. The fault here is on the voters for allowing Harris and Biden to do some flatly evil far right wing shit. We didnt even get bribed-- we’re simply all terrified of trump so we let far right evil exist within a left leaning party.