Hi 🙂, can I say what I want as long as it doesn’t impinge on the current generations left leaning ideologies? (no race, sex, etc…). Not posted here before.
Is a question content?
The rule is that you post fun content that you made yourself. As you can see, the benchmark that must be met for content to be something you made yourself is quite low. Lame 9gag Imgflip fill-in-the-blanks don’t quality. Anything that takes any marginal effort more than that qualifies as your own content. What makes content fun is entirely up to you. If you’re posting it, presumably it amuses at least you, and therefore is at least minimally fun. And even those minimal rules aren’t enforced unless someone complains.
And also there’s the server’s rules, whatever they are. I have no clue what they are, but I’d figure you shouldn’t make frivolous use of server resources to the detriment of others. Which is to say, don’t spam, don’t make frivolous reports annoyingly often, &c. And don’t evade bans or blocks or mutes or whatever else.
There’s little need to worry about what others might think of your possible posts. For the most part, people don’t bother with thinking anyways. People are just too excited for an opportunity to engage with content for that. So just do what you please.
Is a question content? - sorry, I get everything else, and am grateful. I just don’t get this. Are you having a go at me for asking about the rules?
It was just a thought.
Cheers 🙂
I’m not a mod, but this community is for content creation. So I assume if you’re contributing something that you in your heart of hearts feel is “content” that deserves consumption, virtually anything goes.
And I can say with pretty strong confidence, that the top posters here post content with varying political and social commentary, that isn’t necessarily mainstream.
Thanks wesk old bean