Im just a terrible person. I walk wrong. I talk wrong. I breathe wrong. I exist wrong and everyone around me makes sure I know it. I don’t think suicide is a choice that is worth making but I do eagerly await the sweet release of death sometimes. I just needed to vent and you all get my sadness right now.

  • Mac
    4 months ago

    Reject normality.
    Look around you. People walk different, talk different, breathe different.
    Humanity is not cookie-cutter. We are all different and in that way we are all the same.

    I understand that you feel cast out from the tribe but i assure you that even the ‘normies’ feel that way sometimes—i have insider information.
    We all have this ideal state of being in mind that very few of us can even attempt to achieve.

    Work to accept yourself as-is.
    You are one of us.
    You are human.


    Btw, here’s a fun thing i will share with you:
    i have been breathing consciously all day today and it’s driving me fucking insane.
    I think I’m anxious but I’m not sure why.