it’s election day–go vote if you haven’t already

    4 months ago

    Dropped off my absentee ballot earlier today.

    Update on Linus (our kitty who experienced kidney failure last week): Last I posted we were waiting to find out how much his numbers had gone up. It turns out his creatine went up quite a bit. It was over 3, when normally it should be 1.5 or lower. The vet said at this point it’s possible it could go back down (he didn’t seem optimistic about this), stay the same, or go up more. We’re taking him in again on Thursday to see what it is then. If it stays the same, we probably only have about two or three years left with him if we keep him on a renal diet.

    He has a lot of his personality back and has his full appetite back (yesterday was the first time he ate his usual amount of food since he’s been hospitalized), but his energy level is definitely lower than it was before.