Drag has spent all day in voice chat with drag’s trans friends in America and now they’re crying. They’re going to die if they don’t pack up their entire lives and never see their family again, and they don’t even know how to financially accomplish that. No matter what happens, their lives as they know them are over, and they’re going to suffer. They thought they had more time. They thought Harris was going to win. Now they know that if they can’t get out, they’re going to be murdered. They’re scared and sad and they’re crying.
Fuck every single person who contributed to this. Drag’s friends didn’t deserve this. Whatever fascist agenda made anyone think this was an okay outcome, fuck them. This is not okay!
I feel all the posts here today want to pin what happened on one thing, because we want to understand it, but I believe that is a mistake. I don’t really want to try to wade into that discussion now though. Everyone is understandably mad and afraid.
Politicians have failed us once more, in really big ways which will have ripples for years to come. But my stances haven’t changed since yesterday, and neither have most people’s, be those good or bad. The laws don’t keep us safe. If someone wanted to hurt somebody else, the law only steps in after something has already happened. People break laws to hurt people, but people also break laws to help people.
I won’t act like I understand fully the situation many are left in today. But I will still try and understand what I can and to do what I can to help people that are in a bad place. I don’t think I could leave if I wanted to. I’m not rich. I don’t have any special skills. I don’t know anyone anywhere else in the world. What support I do have is here, and they are in the same situation as I am.
I believe it’s right to be extra guarded right now, but I don’t want to see anyone totally cutting themself off. The world is a richer place with drag, drag’s friends, and all the people like them. They’re all still in the vision of millions of people’s vision of this country. If communities of people want to pull away for safety, I get it, but many of us all still who we said we were before. I truly wish drag and drag’s friends and everyone else the best. There is always more strength in community than being on one’s own.
Mad? No. Furious. I’m now going to be counting days until people that I love die. No suicides in my circle yet that I know of but, there probably will be.
(Non-)Voters failed us yet again. The blood is solidly on their selfish, myopic hands.
I can’t disagree with anything you’ve said.
I’ve tried to come up with something more to say, but I don’t want to sound patronizing. I basically just wanted to acknowledge your anger since you took the time to respond to me. I didn’t want to seem like I ignored you.
Thank you. I hope you and those that you know are safe and well.