Hello all new members. Welcome to wolfballs.com

I am Masterofballs, admin of wolfballs.com

Enjoy the freedom. Let me know if the site runs into any issues.

For a brief introduction of the site watch the following video


We are part of the fediverse. That means people come from all over the internet to participate in the discussions.

More simply we are a freedom oriented topic based social media platform.

  • gilligan@wolfballs.com
    2 years ago

    Thank you. I’m a convoy donor. I ignored all the other spammers who tried to lure me into a response but you got me with your offbeat email and the masterofballs thing. I have no idea what cultural artifact it refers to but it sounds weird so that’s good enough for me.

    I hate all the totalitarian horseshit and pathetic spinelessness that’s going around these days so this forum looks like a place for me. I’ll check out the fediverse (distributed nodes?) thing.