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I signed up for a pottery class as a nice activity to do with my partner. It’s not really what I intended to be posting in this community but I think it counts!
Our next week is glazing and then they will be fired and we can pick them up when ready.
I’ll definitely be taking more classes and be booking practice time. It’s so nice to just zone out and fuck around with a spinning thing.
How long before you’re potting pot in a pot you made in pottery class?
About 21 grams from now
So today maybe?
Who knew you could apply “fix it in post” to plates and shit. They look a lot more elegant and balanced now.
Is it hard to center them on the wheel for trimming?
A good project might be those earthenware percolation watering systems for pot plants. Umm Ollas?
Apparently trimming is a really big part of thrown pottery, which makes a lot of sense! I’m thankful for the opportunity to learn.
Ollas look super cool but thankfully (???) I live in a swamp and am not super concerned with soil moisture lol.
They could make an excellent gift, however!
ETA: centering for trimming feels a lot easier than centering to throw. I just need to do drills, I think. That’s next for me after this course ends - just booking time to throw, cut, and analyze.