I have a stomach flu. My government recommends me to eat as normally as possible.

I’ve generally had no appetite.

And the idea of eating foods, even bland, often makes me feel nauseous.

And when I do eat, I often want to puke what I ate.

Why does my body do this if I’m supposed to fill my guts with food?

  • 12newguy
    2 months ago

    I’m not the first to say this, but essentially your body (specifically your immune system) doesn’t know the difference (as far as how dangerous a sickness is) between a cold and ebola. So it always reacts very strongly to any “invader” that isn’t part of your body normally. This is super simplified and I’m not an expert by any means, but here is a playlist of videos by a channel called Kurzgesagt with much more information: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFs4vir_WsTyS2cy4vj4obl5igqCOV749

    Or if you don’t want to click on the link (or want to use a different device) you can search for Kurzgesagt and then look at their playlists; there is one with immune-related videos.