Gonna go ask for a journal
Edit: couldn’t get it in time :(
Hell yea!
Gonna go ask for a journal
Let me guess: Trots? Trots love newspapers, lmao
Me seeing other Communists giving out literature: 😃
Me after realizing that they’re a part of the RCP (a.k.a Revolutionary Communist Party, a.k.a Trotskyists): 😩
#Socialism #Communism #Trotskyism #Marxism #Leninism #MarxismLeninism
I’m kinda new what’s wrong with Trotskyists?
Some don’t like that they’re too communist
No. What many Marxist-Leninists, at least, don’t like about Trotskyist is their extremely flawed ideology.
I recommend you read this book that further explains the problems with Trotskyism: https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1924/11/_19.htm
Yea, Stalin’s not a trustworthy authority on communism (all puns very much intended) but it’s interesting anyway. There was a lot happening and affecting that falling out
I see no reason why Stalin would be an untrustworthy authority on communist ideology.
Ehh the joke is lost