The original post: /r/lifeprotips by /u/Mysterious-Estate340 on 2024-12-04 02:08:48.

  1. Put peanut butter on first slice of bread
  2. Use remaining peanut butter stuck on knife and slowly slide knife slanted at an angle against the just the edge of the other slice to create a border of a peanut butter
  3. Put jelly on in the middle of same slice used in #2 you normally would. note:jelly should naturally repel away from the peanut butter edge if applied gently. Try not to smear jelly all the way to the edge.
  4. Put slices together to make sandwich. The peanut butter edge will create a seal to keep the jelly from coming out.

Enjoy your perfectly sealed fresh PB and J (better than a crusty old frozen Uncrustable)