I’ve been calling around various grocery stores this week, trying to get a hold of pork fat trimmings so that I can make my own lard for some recipes. One of the stores I called today said that they couldn’t give me the trimmings because they don’t have a code for it. I forget exactly what I said, but it was something to the effect of, “so you’re just going to throw it away instead?” “Yes.”

I understand that it does require some effort to separate from the rest of the waste, so I don’t mind paying a bit, but its upsetting that they have no way to pass scraps along to someone who will use them instead of just tossing them in the waste.

Edit for anyone invested: I called around to a few other stores after making this post. One or two mentioned that they don’t necessarily throw all of those bits away, but often use them for other products, such as sausages. I also found a store that will be putting aside their trimmings for me tomorrow, and they should have more than I need. It’s almost an hour away on the bus, but right next to another store that should have any other hard to find ingredients that I’ll need for the tamales.

Also interesting was that different locations of the same chains had different answers for me regarding even their ability to provide the scraps to me, so the suggestions that a manager might be able to make it happen are probably very accurate.

  • shalafi@lemmy.world
    7 hours ago

    Love you! I’m all about dumpster diving, finding free shit, etc.

    Coworker of mine used to go out with her husband, crack of dawn, twice a week. They’d pick of trash before the garbage truck arrived, have a garage sale every Saturday. Give away what ever didn’t go.

    LMFAO, they would make $300-$400 every weekend! “Yeah, we pick up our neighbor’s trash and sell it back to them.”

    In the 90s I had a paper route. Used to pick up vacuum cleaners on the curb. Cleaned with a new belt and bag? Done. I couldn’t keep any in stock. Nice beer money!

    Another friend of mine picks up free washers and dryers. The parts are mostly the same and the shit’s free. He’d make $500-$800 a week flipping 'em on Marketplace. And this guy was already clocking $100K at his day job!