Starting tomorrow I’m off through the new year. What should I do to really bang it up? I was thinking breakfast out tomorrow seems like the way to go.

    3 months ago

    I would have thought a Vegemite sandwich would have been the default. Since it’s a vacation sandwich you really want to spend the time and care to heat the knife above the toaster and then get the butter to melt into the toast. Then take the Vegemite and ensure a light even spread is applied to compliment the butter with the perfect ratio whilst also being mindful of the humidity it is applying to the toasted bread - you want a light crunch after all!

    It’s the simple things done well and with the time required that makes breakfast on a vacation far superior to the standard morning Vegemite sandwich that one might have during a work week. That sandwich is a utility sandwich. The vacation sandwich though, that’s an art form and slice of meditation.