Greetings all!

There are a few YouTube channels I watch on a regular basis that I’d put in the science/math bin. Here are a few examples:

NileRed Standup Maths Steve Mould AlphaPhoenix

I was wondering if anyone here had any recommendations for other science/math channels to follow or a resource that aggregates good channels. As a lay person, as in no college level education on these topics, I’m not sure I have the qualifications to determine if a channel is highly accurate or not. I think I’ve done a good job finding channels that are accurate but wanted to check in with folks that may be able to better determine that.

I’m particularly interested in astronomy, cosmology, and evolution.

    3 months ago

    Integza does mostly rocket engineering videos but is very good. 12Tone does music analysis (which I didn’t think I’d be interested in but it’s actually super interesting)

    Minute Physics is great as well for general physics in bite size chunks.

    What If is by Randall Monroe of XKCD where he answers ridiculous questions using science and math to give serious (if crazy) answers.

    BPS.Space builds rockets and is very good at explaining the why of what he’s doing.

    Mark Rober is good and hits at about a high school level general science and engineering.

    Thought Emporium does mostly bioengineering but ventures into a verity of topics.

    Legal Eagle is good at US based law topics.

    I will 100% vouch for Nebula. It’s a great service that also directly supports creators more than YouTube does. You can find many educational YouTubers there.