• latenightnoir@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I’m not saying it’s a conspiracy, but it is undeniably a trend. And, yes, emulation is fine and good, it’s one of the many catalysts for individual development.

    I was referring to hyperfocusing on favouring the emulation of work, paying bills, moving money, etc. (I don’t exactly have a category under which to group these other than “Capitalist adult stuff”) - my thinking is that there is a difference between organically emulating what we see our parents doing and having to go through it in a context which is heavily biased toward specific aspects. And I’m not saying this hyperfocus is planned, or has a hidden intent of brainwashing kids into being wage slaves, but I am saying that the latter may be a completely incidental occurrence regardless. Like the increased probability that a child will pick up smoking at one point in life if their parents smoke around them while they’re growing up, but on a societal level.

    To summarise my thoughts metaphorically, why not make a dinosaur (replace with any other imagination-sparking thing) with the plastic one would use to mould a cash register.

    Again, running through this makes me realise that maybe it is just down to being a jaded fart on my end:)) Good thing I’ll never be a parent, I guess!