My default coffee making is to heat milk, add coffee and steep it for a couple of minutes before I sieve it and voila.

This does not seem to work for this coffee. I have tried water, boiling it with the water or milk and it simply will not mix. What am I missing?

Edit: I know about grinding, I have a burr grinder, a French press and I know the various ways to make coffee. None of the methods I know, work.

Burr grinder = bar grinder. I made that mistake.

    2 个月前

    I’ve heard that brewing with super fresh grinds can be problematic due to excessive amounts of CO2 bubbles forming a layer between the solid and liquid phases. if that happens, you might mitigate that issue by extending the brewing time and and ensuring sufficient agitation. Probably not going to produce the ideal brew, but should be better than under extracted coffee.