• Allonzee@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    This just just absolutist and naive. I know you think it’s the height of virtue to see the world in such simple terms, but it isn’t taking the world, or humanity, as it is. We are animals, no more no less, and unless we literally genetically modify ourselves, we will always have violence within us. Some will always attempt and succeed at using those tendencies to subjugate the many, and the many can do and have suffered generationally, having children who live just to suffer, until finally the many, left with no other recourse, answer in kind, causing change for the better or worse, but on the long arm of history the better.

    Your way of thinking comes from conflating often beautiful, even meaningful fiction as applicable to grim reality that doesn’t exist in prose, and isn’t watched over by some ridiculous divine father figure. It’s appealing to Santa Claus in a world built on coercion and exploitation.

    Someone who affected real positive change in a tangible sense once said “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

    • Codrus@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Check this out, Tolstoy’s Personal, Social, and Divine Conceptions to life:

      “The whole historic existence of mankind is nothing else than the gradual transition from the personal, animal conception of life (the savage recognizes life only in himself alone; the highest happiness for him is the fullest satisfaction of his desires), to the social conception of life (recognizing life not in himself alone, but in societies of men—in the tribe, the clan, the family, the kingdom, the government—and sacrifices his personal good for these societies), and from the social conception of life to the divine conception of life (recognizing life not in his own individuality, and not in societies of individualities, but in the eternal undying source of life—in God; and to fulfill the will of God he is ready to sacrifice his own individuality and family and social welfare). The whole history of the ancient peoples, lasting through thousands of years and ending with the history of Rome, is the history of the transition from the animal, personal view of life to the social view of life. The whole history from the time of the Roman Empire and the appearance of Christianity is the history of the transition, through which we are still passing now, from the social view to life to the divine view of life.” - Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God Is Within You

      “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherent the Earth.” - Jesus, Matt 5:5

      Not the traditional Christianity; Revelation, Corinthians this or supernatural, spiritual that. One that consists of a more philosophical interpretation of The Gospels that’s hiding underneath all the dogma ever since Paul. One that emphasizes The Sermon On the Mount, debately, the most publicized point of his time spent suffering to teach the value of selflessness and virtue, thus, the most accurate in my opinion. Tolstoy learned ancient Greek and translated The Gospels himself as: The Gospel In Brief, if you’re interested. This translation I’ve found to be the best:


    • Codrus@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Please consider reading Leo Tolstoy’s non-fiction regarding this matter, specifically The Kingdom Of God Is Within you. You’re rebukes are the same he address in a more clearer and detailed way. I can’t tell you how niave it is of you to say the things your saying in its regard, when you’ve clearly never even considered it in its entirety for yourself.

      India’s independence wasn’t gained through violence. Neither were the Jim Crow Law abolished via violence, not to mention the sacrifice of King Codrus that influenced Greek men throughout the centuries afterward: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codrus, and all the other examples I’m ignorant to, not to mention how obviously effective it is on a smaller level—arguments, the bully at school, the tailgater; you’re calling a universally renowned way of reacting to things you hate more maturely as naive, my friend.