Elon is a father who gets lots of sex.
That’s the dead give away that Musk 100000% wrote this
The worst part is it’s likely true
When are we getting “kek you frens later, anons” as a tagline
deleted by creator
“Elon is a fren …. Elon is a fren”
I’m pretty sure if that were a tagline and Ulysses came back to see it this would literally kill him
What if UlyssesT is Adrian and he’s committing a very long cringy bit
Our laws are going to change soon, cyber crime will finally be enforced properly in this nation.
Why would the people on the racist pedophile cyber bully site want this? It reminds me of that one kid they bullied and her dad posted some videos where he sounded like a pro wrestler screaming shit like “I’m calling the cyber police on you. You done goofed!” while the poor kid is sobbing next to him.
Ya done goofed! A classic.
He said something else weird too, iirc. Something like “the consequences will never be the same”
Imagine being a billionaire and also being a pick me for /pol/
Wait, they still haven’t dropped the baby talk? Really?
it would be infinitely more hilarious if he was the only one in the thread talking like this.
“How do you do, fellow frens?”
Elon is going to arrest basedpedophile1488 for being rude to him on /pol/.
Elon is a father who gets lots of sex
Every single one of his birthdays after 13 has been a reboot
That should have been a dead giveaway.
Elon is a hot dad and the loony left hates him for it. Stay mad and sexless, losers.
guy makes your annual income passively every 12 seconds by doing overtime posting cringe
God I wish that were me
Just goes to show that Musk’s whole “hard work” narrative is just BS.
He’s the richest man on earth, do people really think he hasn’t just gotten literally everyone else to do all the dirty work for him? Even the great and mighty 4chan has become the bourgeoisie’s digital lapdog and has abandoned their ‘not your personal army’ rule as soon as advancing fascism’s interests was presented as the digital crime of the century.
There are plenty of far richer people
I hope Elon dies in a fire
Why would he even bother using a Tripcode, it’s like he wants to be found out?
We’re reaching levels of cringe that shouldn’t be possible.
CSA, suicide
Match made in heaven. 4chan drives Elon to punch his own ticket, then Trump bans 4chan in grief over the only other person who’s enough of a racist pedophile to understand him.
only other person
Homies separated by the gang war
Reminds me of when MTG was discussing on banning Kiwifarms because she also had a page.
Come on Soros, we need to encourage a right-wing civil war. They’ve been one big happy evil family since the dawn of time and for humanity’s survival, let’s put their chumminess to an end.
This combined with him having his twitter name incorporate “kek” has 100% convinced me that Dittman is Elon lmao.
How long until a journalist asks Elon what he’s doing on 4Chan, an incubator for Nazis?
literal saddest man on the planet
I believe the theory that Adrian Dittman is just a crazy Elon stalker/dickrider.
There’s a Hasan video where he played a ton of Adrian Dittman clips, including one where Elon and Dittman were in the same Twitter space. While he really has a good Elon impression, he never stammers like Elon does. Also it’s an over impression, like an exaggerated impression that a comedian would do, where every word has the Elon accent.
Also Dittman slips into first person when talking about Elon in way too many of the clips. I don’t buy that someone pretending not to be themself would fuck that up so often. It’s just a stalker who loves that people are believing he’s Elon.
There’s no way Adrian Dittman is Elon Musk. Musk would be too smart to post while not masking his idiosyncrasies. As per usual, these are just wokes who’re offended someone stood up to them
I was so confused until I read the username, good bit
Are you Adrian Dittman??
What if Dittman was Elon’s sock puppet but he was so determined to deny the allegations that he started paying some guy to change his name and play the role?
I guess, but if that were the case, you’d think they’d have fake Elon on video to prove it, or appear with him in person.
The lack of stammering is what convinces me the most. Elon frequently stops speaking when he’s trying to think about what he wants to say, but Dittman uses filler words.
If this dittman guy isn’t musk, then he has access to his twitter account
Or it’s an edited screenshot from a guy who’s determined to convince people he’s Elon musk. Same reason as him slipping into first person while talking about Elon
I think it’s way more plausible that he just feels more comfortable speaking behind the veil of anonymity since he doesn’t have to filter the racist 4 Chan speak that immediately comes to his mind into something acceptable for his Musk persona.
If they’re not the same person why hasn’t Musk cut ties with this obsessed weirdo who acts like a psycho stalker and keeps accidentally assuming Elon’s identity? That’s so many red flags for a guy so paranoid about his flight logs he paid 44 billion to ban the twitter account posting them.
fair, though that seems like a lot of effort to pretend to be the lamest bourgeoisie on the planet
and seeking validation on /pol/ is something musk would almost certainly do
can’t stuttering be very connected to psychological state? I could see him being able to avoid it when assuming a persona
That’s what someone in Hasan’s chat said, but I don’t buy it. It’s a different manner of speaking. Elon isn’t really stuttering, but trying to think of what he wants to say, to choose his words carefully. Dittman instead uses filler words.
what about his brother? could it be him? aren’t they kind of close?