Anyone want to do a monthly what are you reading thread? I saw that there wasn’t one pinned so I figured what the hell and abuse my mod powers.

I’m currently reading McFarlane’s Spider-Man from 1990. It’s even got my favorite spidey villain the lizard.

  • batsforpeace [any, any]
    1 month ago

    just continuing the slow Captain Marvel read through with Ms Marvel by Brian Reed, it had a few decent issues in the beginning but then got bogged down by events/crossovers, it also had what looked like some early 2000s war on terror propaganda issues which I skipped, the older Claremont run was more stable but it ended too soon, I’ll eventually get to that good Kelly Thompson run someday lol

    I’m in kind of a brain dead zone last few weeks so I want to check out something just art/action focused next, no thinking, probably one or all of these:

    • Sigil and Mystic from Crossgen comics (early 2000s, sci-fi/action) which Marvel recently reprinted in omnibus format, I think they’ve been sitting on that Crossgen material for a long time since they bought it, wonder if Disney will eventually push this universe into their tv/movie pipeline when they run out of stuff to use
    • Wildc.a.t.s Compendium, for the 90s Jim Lee post-X-Men art and Grifter & Zealot character introduction, Wildstorm comics got integrated into DC eventually and they’re making an Authority movie now which is maybe why they’re even printing these Wildstorm compendiums lol
    • The Amalgam (mid 90s, fusion of DC & Marvel characters) omnibus